You've just been waiting on pins and needles for my first "Idol" post of the year, haven't you? Well, here it is. The rest of the Top 24 are being revealed as I type this, and I couldn't be more excited! Well, I probably could be ... I mean, in the last couple of weeks we've had to say goodbye to Amedeo DiRocco (the big, seriously soulful Italian guy), Bryan Walker (the Tennessee police officer), and Matt Lawrence (the burly guy who had done jail time in his younger days) ... all of whom I liked and had really hoped we'd see go further. But it still looks like we're going to have a fiercely talented two-dozen semi-finalists to whittle away at this season.
I'm not sorry to see Mary Powers cut (talented, but probably way too aggressive a personality), nor Jessica Furney (Did she honestly think her pathetic begging would change the judges' minds after they spent hours deliberating? Honestly, she gives me the creeps as much as the weirdly babbling "ohmygod! ohmygod!" girl from last year did.) But unfortunately, some other really good performers that I liked have also been cut from the quarter-final group of 46 ... like Shelby Dressel (who I think was pretty despite her facial paralysis, although admittedly not in the top half in singing talent), Angela Martin (the third time wasn't the charm for this girl who's been through so much ... gotta be the toughest rejection the judges gave this year), and Thaddeus Johnson (great potential at just 16, so he'd better try out again next year!).
Here are my thoughts on the Top 24....
Michael Lynche -- He's a great big teddy-bear of a spankin' new dad, and a genuinely likeable guy (as I'm sure a lot of the audience would agree). I hear web buzz that he's been disqualified because of a technicality, but I've also heard a rumor that that decision has been reversed, so I guess we'll just have to enjoy him for now and see what happens.
Didi Benami -- How can anyone not have a connection with this lovely girl due to the heartbreaking story of her best friend's untimely death? Those judges simply couldn't be so heartless as to send her home, could they? Well, fortunately, the answer to that was "no", and I think she'll do well.
Katelyn Epperly -- Like the judges pointed out early on (and even into Hollywood Week), it's a bit hard to get a connection with her, and I haven't yet either. She's a really good singer, naturally, but I honestly have a feeling she won't be sticking around for long unless she can tap into some personality.
Casey James -- Here's another dude I like (plain-and-simple hotness aside) ... an all-American guy with a likeable personality. I think he's got a lot more to show us than he's shown us already (again, no jokes intended by his on-Kara's-demand shirt-shedding), and I look forward to it. If you like this guy, you should check out
recent Australian Idol winner Wes Carr ... same kind of vibe.
Aaron Kelly -- Does anyone else out there love this kid as much as I do (and have, from day one)? I wasn't the least bit surprised that he was pulled through, although I did worry just a bit when he made not one, but two lyric fumbles in Hollywood week. As adorable as David Archuleta, but Aaron's got more going for him (better conversational skills, for one thing).
Lee DeWyze -- On the surface, he's kind-of a cross between Matt Giraud and Danny Gokey from last year, but I can't really define him otherwise. With any luck, he'll tap into something inside and show us what he's probably capable of. I also hope he, like, develops his, like, vocabulary more ... like.
Todrick Hall -- This guy just might have the most charm of all the Top 24 so far, and he showed it right from the start with that improvised song for the judges at his first audition. Great voice and a lot of charisma! I'm looking forward to seeing what this guy has up his sleeve.
Tyler Grady -- If Aaron is my favorite, this guy is a close second. He's got a great '60s/'70s kind of look, an original style, and more than enough potential to command the stage. I'm really looking forward to seeing how this guy progresses.
Alex Lambert -- Hey, two Lamberts in as many years! (Not that they're related, of course.) I kind-of like this guy, though I don't know if I'd have necessarily considered him Top 24 material. But I certainly won't argue ... I hope he breaks out and shows us something.
Tim Urban -- Cool ... I was kind-of hoping this guy would make it through ... I have a feeling he'll be showing us that he's earned his semi-final slot.
Crystal Bowersox -- There's something about this girl I like, besides her obvious talent. She reminds me a little of Amanda Overmyer (from season 7), and I was happy to see her brought forward into the Top 24.
Katie Stevens -- She just might be my favorite of the ladies ... a sweet, adorable girl with a heartbreaking story and a big, knock-your-socks-off voice. I'm really happy to see her brought through, and I can't wait to see her shine.
Lily Scott -- A friend of mine has liked her from the beginning, but she's one of those that flew under my radar until now. Something tells me she'll be going pretty far in the competition.
John Park -- I've liked this guy for awhile myself (reminds me a bit of Anoop Desai from last year), and was kind-of hoping to see him stay in the game. I'll be watching him eagerly.
Andrew Garcia -- This guy won me over with his great interpretation of Paula Abdul's "Straight Up", and I've had my eye on him ever since. The judges did well to bring him into the semi-finals, and I look forward to seeing what else he can do.
Ashley Rodriguez,
Janell Wheeler,
Lacey Brown,
Joe Muñoz,
Paige Miles,
Siobhan Magnus,
Michelle Delamor,
Jermaine Sellers, and
Haeley Vaughn -- I honestly don't remember much (or remember seeing much) about these competitors, but it'll be interesting to see how far they go.
All in all, it's shaping up to be a strong Top 24, with the ladies looking just as strong as the guys. I wonder ... will a woman take the title for the first time since 2007? Or will a guy be crowned American Idol for a third straight year? Time will tell...!