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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Idol Thoughts: The Final Two!

"It's all come down to this. After thousands of grueling auditions, hundreds of memorable performances, and dozens of hearbreaking eliminations, the final showdown is at hand: David Archuleta versus David Cook. This is truly a neck-and-neck competition -- and this ... is American Idol!"

How was that? Can I try out for Ryan Seacrest's gig? Or at least the guy who writes his stuff? It's sure better than that silly "prize fighter" shtick. I wonder how ridiculous the two Davids might have felt in those boxing get-ups...? (But then, that's a subject I'll touch on in my upcoming "wrap-up" entry.) But for now, let's concentrate on the contest at hand: the big showdown between, as we all know by now, David Cook and David Archuleta. And "little David" ain't no dummy, choosing to go second in the coin toss, 'cause the last contestant is the freshest one in the minds of the voters. Anyway, enough with the chatter ... let's get it on! (The competition, that is.)

Round 1: Clive Davis song choice ... and they're good choices indeed. Let's face it, if anyone has a feel for contemporary pop music, it's Mr. Davis.

David Cook -- As usual, David Cook rocks the proverbial socks!! Excellently done, as we know by now to expect from him, and a perfect example of why he's made it to the final round.

David Archuleta -- Goosebumps ... freakin' goosebumps, already!! The boy took that song and gave it wings. David Cook did well with his song, to be sure, but I just felt that he didn't add the "secret ingredient" that David Archuleta just did to his performance. All I can say is, yay!

Round 2: Songwriting contest choices ... can't say much more than that, really, 'cause I don't know jack about them.

David Cook -- What can I say about David Cook that I didn't say in Round 1? Of course, he's gotta be at the top of his game for the finals, and without a doubt he is. Good song, too.

David Archuleta -- Gotta say ... the kid's got it goin' on! And he was wearing a seriously cool jacket, too. Having praised his performance, though, I'm having a tough time calling a favorite for Round 2. The songs were both good (though no great shakes), but the performances were spectacular -- and we should expect no less for the final "Idol" showdown.

Round 3: The contestants' own choice. We've seen keen song choices from both of them in the past, so let's see if that sense stays with them here ... and, most importantly, if it pays off.

David Cook -- Another smashing performance, though interesting that he chose to end with a softer song. Hmmm ... he's trying not to cry ... was it the song, or the audience's reaction to his performance? It was fantastic, and he's done his best tonight to win the competition.

David Archuleta -- Hmmm ... why did he choose to perform a song again that he'd already done once? The "sentimental" attachment with the audience could work for him, but the non-freshness of a repeat performance could just as easily come back to bite him in his angelic little butt. But then, it was utterly beautiful, as Mr. Archuleta has an almost annoying tendency to be. (Almost ... if he weren't so darn good at it.)

Who I voted for: David Archuleta. Yes, I know that David Cook will have a longer and more successful career as a recording artist (rock always has a longer shelf life than pop, at least in America), but I've gotta go with my favorite.

Who I think will win: In today's "USA Today" newspaper, they ran the results of a poll, and David Cook was the favorite in every age demographic except the teens. So, it's looking good for him. Still, though, it's all about the viewers' reactions to the performances they've just seen, so it really and truly is too darn close to call. Each guy has their strengths and weaknesses, not to mention their armies of adoring fans, and it all comes down to one of the Davids getting more votes than the other.

As of the time on my computer while I'm typing this, the TV audience has three hours and 51 minutes left to vote. But we're not going to know the results for another 24 hours and 51 minutes. Can we wait? Will we go crazy before then? I just might ... but then, they're both gonna be putting out albums, so in a way, both Davids are already winners. Vote, vote, vote!!!

1 comment:

  1. I guess my thoughts came off a little negative. I think I have Idol burn out for sure, but only one more episode! :)

    I said big deal and so what because, does it really matter who wins? They have both proved themselves although both have pigeon-holed themselves and have become somewhat predictable. I mean I usually can predict how a Cook song will go. And, same with Archuleta.

    Either way, I hope your choice wins since mine couldn't! :)
